In Eastern North Carolina
Tom Atkins, President and Broker in Charge of The Rich Company wishes to announce that
Brenna Finch has joined the Washington office. She has lived in Washington for the past seven
years. She attended Washington High School but left early to pursue more advanced studies and
graduated from Pitt Community College. Brenna is currently studying at Beaufort County
Community College and will soon receive her associates in arts.
Brenna currently is a Production Assistant with a company that makes window treatments,
bedspreads, cushions, etc. During her tenure here she has developed a special interest in how
important a person’s home is to them. She has seen firsthand how a home can be transformed
into a dream home and a reflection of who you are. Brenna wants to help people find the perfect
home and introduce them to Eastern North Carolina and assist in getting these families settled in.
She has many interests, that include cooking, sewing, reading, writing and spending quality time
on the water. Give her a call and let her show you around the area and help you with listing your
property or letting us put a For Sale sign up for you. You can reach her at 252-721-4721 or
In Eastern North Carolina